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Stencil It! – CTMH Technique Blog Hop

Welcome to this month’s Technique Blog Hop where we the theme is to “Stencil It!” with Close To My Heart products.

If you have arrived here from Tamara Sandwisch then you are in the right place.

If you landed here by accident, no problem, please join in by following the link at the end of this post.

There are so many different ways to use stencils in your artwork for this technique hop I used a stencil cut from the Cricut® Artistry Collection to create my background, sponging with Almond Ink.

I added a Freesia Flower cut from the Cricut® Flower Market Collection to sit over the background & added a thank you from the Time to Celebrate Stamp of the Month.

I’d love for you to leave a comment before you head on over to Miss. Carrie’s Creations to get more Stencil It! ideas.

If you like to get any of the products that I have used in this project, please contact your Close To My Heart Consultant or if you do not have a consultant & are an Aussie, I would love for you to place an order with me on my website

Till Next time
See you soon

16 responses to “Stencil It! – CTMH Technique Blog Hop”

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