Sponged Background Technique for Paper Garden – September 2015 Stamp of the Month

Sponged Background with Paper Garden (S1509)

Today I will explain how I achieved the background on these three cards. They all started off the same way by sponging colour onto cardstock and finished off the same way by stamping in black with the silhouette stamps. I found that this month’s stamp of the month Paper Garden (S1509) perfect to show off this technique. But try it with any silhouette stamps you have.

Sponged Background Technique for Paper Garden – September 2015 Stamp of the Month

Cut a circle out of cardstock. This will be your sun. You could cut the bottom off to make your sun or moon for that matter, to look more like it is rising from the horizon.

Hints & Tips

I cut my Round Sponge into eights  that way I have a small piece to work with & have a sponge for all my colours.

So what do you do if you drop the sponge & it has gone where you don’t want it to like in this sample? Don’t worry, blend some more blue into that sucker! Normally when the sun is rising or setting you have some of the colours of the sun & more in the sky. Embrace these mistakes it will make the piece unique. You will find too that as you add more colour it is easier to spread on the cardstock than when you first started.

You now have your sponged background to stamp Paper Garden (S1509) onto. Or you could take it a step futher!

Add some wispy clouds to the sky by sponging Colonial White Exclusive ink. Sponge off the excess ink first onto the All-Purpose Mat before sponging onto the sky.

Paint over the background with water for a different effect & then Stamp on Paper Garden onto the backgroundOn this piece I used water again but painted it on with a small paintbrush. It didn’t go as I expected but it is still pretty effective & a different look from a piece that started off the same way.





Play with the position of the sun & colours in your sponging to get the look you are after & have fun!.

What do you think?

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